Between the economic downturn and the struggle to keep their families and neighbors healthy, Mainers are looking to their representatives for help.

Ensuring that all Mainers can get the care they need should they fall ill is the State Legislature’s top priority. That’s why they created the COVID-19 Patient Bill of Rights.
The COVID-19 Bill of Rights would:
Require insurance companies to expand access to and to fully cover COVID-19 testing;
Waive all copayments for COVID-19 testing, screening and vaccines
Allow Mainers increased options for telehealth appointments;
Permit pharmacists to fill prescriptions for extended periods and to administer COVID-19 vaccines once available.
This bill would ensure that all Mainers, even those without insurance, would not have to risk going into debt in order to protect themselves against this deadly virus. Without access to affordable coverage or treatment, our families, communities and economy are at risk.
Maine cannot recover from this virus if our working families cannot afford to take care of themselves or their loved ones. Sign here to tell your legislators: we need a COVID-19 Patient Bill of Rights.