Coalition Partners

Working together
Mainers For Working Families is proud to join dozens of organizations to form the following coalitions:
The Maine Family Leave Coalition
Due to our current lack of Paid Family & Medical Leave, Mainers have been forced to make impossible decisions - to take unpaid time off to care for their loved ones, or to continue to work so they can pay their rent or put food on the table.
The Maine Paid Leave Coalition is a group of partners who work together to implement a paid family leave system that works for all Mainers, leaving no one behind.
Visit http://www.mainefamilyleave.com/about-us/ to learn more!
Smart Solutions for Healthy Communities:
Too many Mainers are struggling with the rising cost of healthcare, and tens of thousands are forced to go without care completely.
Right now, health insurance companies offer less coverage for more money while costs for crucial treatments, like prescription medication, skyrockets.
Smart Solutions for Healthy Communities believes in fighting for policies that guarantee Better Access to Care For Less.
Visit www.smartsolutionshc.org or their Facebook page to learn more!
Mainers for Tax Fairness:
Taxes are how we build strong communities. They pay for our roads, our healthcare, our schools, and more. Maine is facing an underinvestment in our critical services because not everyone pays their fair share.
Working families are already paying their fair share in taxes – it’s time for those at the top to do the same.
Visit www.mainersfortaxfairness.org or their Facebook page to learn more about the coalition and its members!
Our Power Maine:
Our Power is a group of Maine ratepayers, business leaders, energy experts, conservationists, and others committed to putting the Pine Tree State’s energy future in the hands of Mainers.
Our economy and way of life depend on the electric power grid—and this vital infrastructure is also the key to addressing climate change. That's why we support the creation of Pine Tree Power Company, a local consumer-owned utility that delivers lower cost, cleaner, more reliable power.
Visit www.ourpowermaine.org or their Facebook page to learn more about the coalition and its members!