Healthcare for All Mainers

Maine’s working families are struggling to keep up with the rising costs of healthcare. Meanwhile, corporate special interests are trying to roll back the progress we’ve made to expand access to quality care. We need to stand up to corporate special interests to make sure that every Mainer has access to affordable and quality care.
From crippling prescription drug costs, to surprise billing, to ever- increasing insurance rates, health care costs keep going up. Over 200,000 Mainers have gone without care or prescribed medication due to the cost, and at least 100,000 remain uninsured. As this pandemic continues and unemployment rates keep rising, more and more Mainers will be forced to go without critical health care services.
Addressing Maine's Revenue Shortfall
Create a public option health care plan.
Maine can create a public option health care plan made available alongside existing private health insurance plans. The public option would be available to all Mainers and could ensure lower insurance rates and more comprehensive coverage for everyone.
Make prescription drugs more affordable for Mainers.
Over 200,000 Maine families have gone without needed prescription medication due to cost. At the same time, Big Pharma keeps hiking up their prices. Maine can put policies in place that cap prices on life-saving drugs and prevent price gouging. Our Attorney General can also use his power to hold Big Pharma accountable, including increasing oversight on prices and transparency from bad actors.