Veteran Resources

Supporting our veterans
Our veterans give years of service to our state and our country. Oftentimes, when they return home from that service, they have a hard time finding the support they need.
Maine has resources available to help our veterans with their most pressing needs – finding work, securing healthcare, and financial assistance to help them get back on their feet.
State of Maine
COVID-19 response
Governor Janet Mills and the State Legislature passed two emergency bills to support workers and small businesses impacted by COVID-19 and to ensure the state government has the tools to help every Mainer in the face of a global pandemic.
What resources are there for me if I lost my job?
The state government is establishing a consumer loan guarantee program to provide no-interest loans for Maine workers who have lost their job or seen a drop in pay as a result of COVID-19
And temporarily expanding eligibility for unemployment benefits for workers impacted by COVID-19
What resources are there for my kids home from school?​
The state government is Increasing the Department of Education’s ability to waive certain school-day requirements and to continue school lunch programs for all eligible children
What is being done to contain the coronavirus in Maine?​
The legislature authorized Governor Mills to determine and direct the manner of the June 2020 primary, if necessary
The state government is delaying the effective date of the single-use plastic bag ban to January 15, 2021.
The legislature authorized Governor Mills to adjust state, county and municipal government deadlines and to permit all public entities to meet by remote participation
The state government is expanding the ability of Maine Emergency Medical Services’ Board and staff to take actions more promptly
What actions will help me if I can't pay my bills?
The legislature authorized Governor Mills to prohibit utilities from terminating residential electric and water service
State of Maine Veteran Resources
The Maine Bureau of Veterans' Services's website is a comprehensive trove of both state and federal resources that are available for veterans and their family members.
What resources are there for me if I need help finding work?
The Maine Department of Labor has a veteran Career Center, where a representative can help you with your job search, resume writing, and interview skills, and help you translate your military skills to a good, steady-paying job/
Click here to visit Maine's Veteran Services Career Center.
Where can I find counseling or peer support groups?​
Maine has several Vet Centers across the state. These community-based counseling centers provide both social and psychological services to both veterans and their families.
Click on the links below to find the addresses and hours of each center.
Where do I go if I need financial assistance?​
Easter Seals Maine has a program for veterans and family members who find themselves struggling financially. They provide financial assistance when no other resources are available. Click here to find out how to apply for assistance.
Goodwill's Veterans Fund offers financial assistance as part of their Veterans Job Connection program. The fund is available to both veterans and their families and gives financial support as they look for work. Click here to learn more about the Veterans Job Connection program.
The American Red Cross offers financial services for veterans through their Hero Care Center. The assistance can be used for emergency travel, the burial of a loved one, emergency food and shelter, and more. Click here to learn more about the program.