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The influx of foreign money into American elections can stifle our democracy. Case in point: the more than $63 million dollars poured in to sway Mainers to support the cross-border corridor project—a project that would ultimately profit energy corporations with ties to Canada and Spain. And, as citizen group Our Power works to push forward their initiative to create a state-run not-for-profit utility company (Pine Tree Power), the foreign-owned parent companies have poured in money to prevent it, outspending Our Power 17 to 1.

This existential threat has spurred Maine lawmakers to introduce LD 1610: An Act to Prohibit Campaign Spending by Foreign Governments and Promote an Anticorruption Amendment to the United States Constitution.

LD 1610 will "reaffirm the power of citizens” by establishing measures that regulate campaign finance laws and secure the sovereignty of Maine voters. Some of these measures include:

  • Preventing a foreign government or entity, such as a corporation or an organization, from contributing funds to influence the nomination or election of a certain candidate.

  • Requiring media outlets to remove any communications created by such entities created to sway the public or government officials on issues related to state policy or foreign relations.

  • Calling on each member of Maine’s Congressional delegation to actively support and promote an anti-corruption amendment to the US Constitution.

This bill affirms the right that government power derives solely from the people. Staunching the flow of foreign donations will uphold free speech, fair representation, and full participation in self-government in the state of Maine.

Over 80,000 Mainers signed a petition supporting this initiative, and folks all across the state stand behind this measure because it will protect elections from corruption and foreign influence. The Legislature has passed LD 1610 and it’s currently on the appropriations table. We urge Governor Mills to sign this critical bill into law.

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Seventy-eight percent of Mainers live paycheck to paycheck. Too many people are working longer days and longer hours due to mounting costs and stagnant wages, preventing them from enjoying the quality of life they deserve.

To uplift working Mainers, Representative Benjamin Collings of Portland has introduced LD 1376: An Act to Create a Livable Wage by Increasing the Minimum Hourly Wage. This bill aims to raise the state’s minimum wage to $15 per hour starting January 1, 2024, with a $1 increase every year thereafter.

If LD 1376 were to pass, Maine would be the fourth state—along with Massachusetts, California, and Washington—to have a minimum hourly wage of $15 or higher. Furthermore, it would be the first time since 2009 that Maine has increased the minimum wage. The current state minimum wage is $13.80 per hour, which was approved by a voter-led initiative seven years ago.

Raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour will help Mainers keep up with costs of living, healthcare, and education. It will put money in their pockets and strengthen the state’s economy. Maine’s working families deserve a chance to thrive and get ahead. Now that the Legislature has given LD 1376 a preliminary approval, we urge Governor Mills to pass this bill to help tens of thousands of Maine families!

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It's official: Today, Governor Janet Mills announced in the Portland Press Herald that she'll sign Paid Family & Medical Leave (LD 1964) into law, making Maine the 13th state to pass a PFML policy. This announcement marks a life-changing victory for working people and families across Maine.

Whether recovering from a serious illness, welcoming a new child, or caring for an ailing family member, working Mainers will soon have the peace of mind of knowing they won’t have to sacrifice their livelihoods to care for themselves or a loved one.

"I’m thrilled to see Governor Mills stand up for Maine’s working families and small business owners by supporting a statewide paid family and medical leave program,” said Evan LeBrun, Executive Director at Mainers for Working Families. “She saw firsthand the years of work that bill sponsors Senator Mattie Daughtry and Representative Kristen Cloutier spent on this policy, meeting with hundreds of small business owners, families, advocates, and experts in Maine to craft a program built for our state’s unique needs. Thanks to the Governor’s support, thousands of working Mainers will finally have the freedom to prioritize what matters most, taking care of the ones they love."

You stood at the forefront of the 93% of Mainers who understood the necessity of PFML, and your tireless dedication helped us carry this years-in-the-making victory past the finish line.

Thank you for all your work and support. Maine couldn’t have achieved this without you.

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