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As Maine’s economy reopens and Mainers return to the workplace, businesses and working families are adjusting to our “new normal.”

While we head back to work, our state faces a revenue shortfall due to the pandemic. Elected officials will decide how to balance our budget. We must make sure they put working families before big corporations.

There are lots of big multinational corporations that do business in Maine, but don’t pay their fair share for the use of our roads, workers and resources. Some of these corporations use a loophole that rewards them for hiding their profits overseas.

Our government should close corporate tax loopholes and take back tax breaks so we aren’t forced to cut funding for essential services like schools, healthcare and public safety. By closing this loophole, Maine would generate upwards of $10,000,000 for our state.

As we rebuild our economy, we must ensure that hardworking Mainers are prioritized and corporations pay their fair share.

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As Maine’s economy reopens and Mainers return to the workplace, small businesses and working families are adjusting to our new normal.

But we know that we aren’t out of the woods yet. As we continue to battle COVID-19, it is more important than ever that every hardworking Mainer has access to paid leave to help keep our families, communities, and workplaces healthy and safe.

A robust Paid Family and Medical Leave program in Maine would do just that. It would guarantee at least 12 weeks of paid leave for Mainers to get better if they get seriously sick, to care for an ill loved one, to welcome a new child, and to take care of our military family needs.

And Mainers agree. We called hundreds of local working families to ask them their thoughts on PFML. Listen to their testimonials on what a statewide PFML policy would mean for themselves and their loved ones.

It’s time to ensure our working families have Paid Family & Medical Leave, now and when this pandemic is behind us.

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As our state begins to reopen, it's important that Mainers have a say in what the road to recovery looks like.

That’s why Mainers for Working Families partnered with other organizations to conduct a 10-state poll, in an effort to understand voters’ priorities during the recovery process. The poll did not accept answers from respondents who identify strongly with any party, in order to focus on the non-partisan, “unheard middle” voters.

According to the poll, non-partisan voters want to see our state government put working families and small businesses first – particularly in providing accessible and affordable health care, and other benefit programs.

Here are some of the results:

  • 90% support low-interest loans for small businesses.

  • 84% support limiting what drug companies can charge for prescriptions.

  • 81% support protecting patients from having to pay the costs not covered by their insurance for out-of-network doctors.

  • 75% support requiring employers to provide paid sick days.

  • 72% support a paid family and medical leave program.

Maine’s “unheard middle” voters want our hard-working families and small businesses to be top priority for our state government, and they want to ensure that they are set up to succeed for years to come.

You can read more about the poll here.

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