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  • Yaw Akuffo-Anoff

Five questions candidates for Governor in Maine should be asked to answer at the next debate.

Question 1: At some point in everybody's life, they are going to need to take an extended period off from work. Whether they have a new child, they need to care for an aging parent, or they become sick. 11 states currently have a Paid Family & Medical Leave program that provides up to 12 paid weeks off from work, would you support Maine becoming the 12th state?

Question 2: There are a number of large multinational corporations that do business in Maine but don’t pay their fair share in taxes. Would you close the loopholes in our tax code that allow corporations to hide profits overseas?

Question 3: The city of Seattle enacted legislation banning foreign-influenced corporations from spending money to influence elections. Following the explosion of foreign-money spent to influence the referendum on the proposed “New England Clean Energy Connect” transmission line, would you support banning election spending from corporations that are more than 5% owned by a single foreign government?

Question 4: Voting is the bedrock of a democracy. Would you support creating permanent absentee voting in Maine to make it easier for people who prefer to vote absentee?

Question 5: Over 200,000 Mainers have gone without needed prescription medication due to cost. What steps will you take to lower prescription drug costs in Maine?

Don’t forget to tune in! The next debate will be hosted by the Bangor Daily News and CBS News 13 at 7 PM on Monday, October 24.


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