Last month, Maine’s Paid Family and Medical Leave Commission met for the first time to begin development on a statewide PFML program. This policy would have a profound impact on Maine workers, many of whom can’t afford to take time off from work when they have a child, when they’re seriously sick, or when they need to care for a loved one in need.
This is an encouraging development, but make no mistake about it, this program will not pass unless we make our voices heard and show our support now.
Your participation in the public campaign for PFML makes all the difference. The more voices we hear, the more leverage we have to pass a strong and comprehensive program.
That’s why we’re looking for volunteers to submit letters to the editor on the benefits of Paid Family and Medical Leave for Mainers as the Commission continues to hammer out the details of its proposal. Volunteers will receive support from Mainers for Working Families every step of the way.
The Commission will study paid family and medical leave programs implemented in nine other states, as well as an actuarial study on the economic impact of the plan, to develop Maine’s program. They’re looking for public input as they put together their recommendations, and they want to hear from you.
Let’s work together to make sure no Mainer ever has to choose between earning a paycheck and taking time off to care for themselves or their loved ones.